Firecrackers-Venegas 04 for 2018 softball year

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Team played in 1 divisions this year.

Details for other years:
2017 2018


This team is not nationally ranked in this division, based on 15 games (9 : 6 record).

(There are another 2 unverified games for this team that were not included).

Tournaments Played:
  • Presidents' Day Showdown - Double Elimination 14 Open
  • SO CAL'S FINEST - Tourney of Champions 14 Open
  • TCS Pre-Thanksgiving Cup 14 Open

Opponents Played:
Opponent Name P(W) H:H Games W-L Win % Runs For Team Runs for Opponent
All American Sports Academy Robinson 55.3% 1 0:1 0.0% 2 15
Arizona Suncats 04 64.4% 1 1:0 100.0% 5 1
Big Dream Chasers 72.0% 1 0:1 0.0% 5 5
Central Cal Dirtdogs-Pickering 31.6% 2 0:2 0.0% 8 12
Firecrackers Brashear-Lopez 04 31.6% 1 1:0 100.0% 9 7
IE Dynasty04-Zeif 86.7% 1 1:0 100.0% 15 1
Knuckleheads - Phillips 73.6% 1 1:0 100.0% 5 2
Lakewood Firecrackers-Gutierrez 68.8% 1 0:1 0.0% 3 7
OC Batbusters Shockey 37.6% 1 1:0 100.0% 5 2
Ohana Tigers 05 Lastrapes / Estrada 71.3% 1 1:0 100.0% 12 3
Ohana Tigers Quarles 04 61.9% 1 1:0 100.0% 5 4
So Cal Athletics-Black 39.1% 1 1:0 100.0% 8 7
USA Athletics Eveland 14U 92.1% 1 1:0 100.0% 7 4
USA Phenom Valentino/IPA 79.3% 1 0:1 0.0% 8 10