SOCAL PRIDE 01 for 2018 softball year

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Team played in 1 divisions this year.

Details for other years:
2016 2017 2018


Ranked # 133 in this division, based on 4 games (2 : 2 record).

(There are another 0 unverified games for this team that were not included).

Tournaments Played:
  • The Don Battles On - Paid POWER POOL Spots 16 Open

Opponents Played:
Opponent Name Rank P(W) H:H Games W-L Win % Runs For Team Runs for Opponent
Epoch 45 28.5% 1 0:1 0.0% 0 2
TeamSmith - Ruben 154 54.5% 1 1:0 100.0% 3 0
So Cal Nighthawks 163 57.0% 1 0:1 0.0% 0 4
Firecrackers Keene/McIrvin 238 77.3% 1 1:0 100.0% 11 3